MFESTS Stands in Solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Minneapolis, Minnesota – May 30th 2020


Dear MFESTS Members, Friends and Partners,


This week, George Floyd lost his life during a tragic and unexplainable manner.

As evidenced by the continued events in the news, people expect and demand justice. People pray for peace and hope that we will not see the further loss of innocent life. As a community, we need to change. We can learn from this and expand our understanding about the way we interact with other human beings.

As engineering professionals in Minnesota, we are in every community. We go to work every day, serving as problem solvers for people in local, regional, nation-wide, and global circles. How should we more forward?

To avoid having George Floyd’s death become another tragic footnote, let’s come together as an engineering community to learn and evolve from this experience. Join the commitment to engage a learning mindset and model the behavior we want in our whole village.

Please keep in mind, the MFESTS organization and members will not pretend to have all the answers. Just as we have had conversations regarding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, we can also come together to learn more about biases both conscious and unconscious ones at play.

I have personally found the following 49 minute podcase helpful with my personal growth:

Thank you for your considering this learning opportunity to harness our learning mindset, compassion and humanity to move forward with “in the moment” reminders.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at or with any questions or input.

Best wishes and stay safe!

Cathy Krier
2020/2021 President
Minnesota Federation of Engineering, Science and Technology Societies (MFESTS)

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